Name of the project: № BG-RRP-3.004-2520-C01, "Technological modernization in the enterprise"
Main goal of the project: To increase the efficiency of production processes, to achieve higher productivity, to reduce production costs and to optimize the production chain of OTO MEBEL LTD.
Description of the main activity of the project: Acquisition of new technologies with an emphasis on the digitization of production processes with a view to expanding production capacity.
The current activity will be performed by acquiring the following high-tech material assets:
Drilling machining center with digital program control - 1 piece
Carriage saw machine - 1 piece.
Results of the project implementation: With the purchase of the assets planned for the project, we will achieve the following results:
- Improvement of the production capacity of the company;
- Digitization of production processes;
- Expansion of production capacity;
- Increasing the efficiency of production processes;
- Increase productivity;
- Reduction of production costs; -
Optimizing the production chain.
Final recipient: "OTO MEBEL" LTD
Total project cost: 460 419.00 BGN., 230 209.50 BGN of which are non-reimbursed financing..
Begining of the project: 10.04.2023.
End of the project: 10.04.2024.
This publication was created with the financial support of the European Union - NextGenerationEU. All responsibility for the content of the publication is borne by "OTO MEBEL" EOOD and under no circumstances can it be assumed that this publication reflects the official opinion of the European Union and the General Directorate "European Competitiveness Funds" at the Ministry of Innovation and Growth.